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The Best Ways To Deal with Stress at Work

How To Deal with Stress at Work
A large number of workers say that their job is extremely stressful. That is an issue.
No matter the kind of work someone does, workplace stress is disastrous for both employees and employers.
Continue reading to see the causes of job stress, why it can be so harmful and helpful tips to cope with this stress.
What Causes Stress in the Workplace?
The things that cause stress will vary among industries and different positions, but they can still overlap. They can include:
The impacts of a bad economy or a company experiencing a rough patch can lead to downsizing. Every worker experiences stress due to the fear of losing their job, especially if they see others getting cut.
Increased Work Loads.
When there are layoffs or staffing issues, other employees are expected to pick up the extra work. This is exhausting, both mentally and physically. Salary workers may have to put in longer hours without the benefit of overtime, and hourly workers may be forced to get more work done in a shorter period of time. No matter where you land, it’s stressful.
Longer Work Hours.
Workers who have to put in longer hours may suffer health issues. They have a higher likelihood of heart disease, diabetes and weight gain.
Issues With Coworkers.
You will most likely spend more time with your coworkers than with your family. If you don’t get along with those you work with it can cause a plethora of stress and other health issues.
Why Is Job Stress So Harmful?
The stress from a job and its impact on workers can be grueling. This stress can lead to:
Stress makes you unhealthy and this has physical consequences. A lot of job stress leads to sick employees and that means employees being absent or even higher health insurance costs for employers.
If someone does not have the proper coping skills, stress can lead into depression.
Retention Issues.
If a job is too stressful, eventually, employees will leave. Normally the best employees are the ones who have to do the extra work when things go awry. This may cause the best employees to leave a company, they may get the work done but the stress is causing burnout.
Reduced Productivity.
If an employee is stressed out, they will not be operating at their best. This will cause projects to be done incorrectly, not done in time and in turn causes the company more issues.
16 Ways to Manage Stress at Work
As mentioned, job stress is detrimental to one’s career and quality of life. Below are tips on how to deal with the stress that goes along with work:
- Address conflict without adding to it
Conflicts will occur at any job; it could be with colleagues or managers. It is bound to happen. How people deal with that conflict is what determines if it is stressful. It is important to not let conflict continue, get rid of the stress early versus sitting silently forever.
- Create a sense of loyalty in the workplace
By showing that you trust and value those you work with, there is a sense of loyalty and safety. This helps reduce stress. Being in an environment of loyalty and trust helps reduce the unnecessary stress that comes along in the workplace.
- Avoid irregular work schedules as much as possible
Employees that are on salary do not have to deal with their work schedule varying, hourly employees do. On-call shifts and shift changes, both lead to stress because employees are constantly on edge. The not knowing of when they will have to work is stressful, and it is difficult to have a personal life. Try and create schedules that all employees can count on. Sudden changes need to be as rare as possible, and this will help them return to work feeling refreshed.
- Make wellness a part of the workplace
Considering stress can create physical illness, taking action to keeping employees healthy is key. There is a multitude of ways to encourage a healthier lifestyle. These include, gym memberships, providing healthy snacks, free health checkups and encouraging breaks. Healthy employees tend to be less stress and do better work.
- Know the difference between good stress and bad stress
Not all stress is bad, and not all stress can be avoided. Deadlines, tests, or being asked to lead a meeting are all examples of good stress. These stressors are actually motivators and can actually improve brain function. Bad stress is quite the opposite. It can harm your health, slow you down and inhibit thinking. It’s important to now the difference between the two so you can know what a problem is and what is actually helping you.
- Learn to identify signs of stress
You may not even know you are feeling stressed. This may sound strange, but it is possible. Your body knows the stress you are feeling, even when you don’t. The damage of stress happens whether or not you are aware of it. There are several signs that stress could be impacting you. These include, fatigue, stomach pain, headaches, sore muscles and many more. If you start seeing a lot of these patterns it may be time to reach out for help.
- Tell someone you are struggling with stress
It helps to tell someone that you are feeling overwhelmed. No matter who it is they may be able to help you or point you to someone who can. It is not shameful, if you are stressed. It is worse if you let the stress build up and not get help. The majority of managers and colleagues would rather have you talk to them about your feelings and how to deal with them versus having missed deadlines or low productivity.
- Try to find humor in the situation
While stress is not funny, some situations that cause stress can be interpreted as funny if you look at it the right way. Having a good laugh is a good thing. Carrying anger or worry is never a good thing. Finding the humor in a situation means you can never laugh at a person but laugh at the craziness of a situation. You have probably seen someone crack a joke to break the tension, that is what you are looking to do.
- Form positive relationships as much as you can
No matter if you have been at job for years or you are just starting out, build a strong foundation with all your colleagues. While not everyone is outgoing and good at building relationships, it is important for everyone to be positive to one another and avoid negativity as much as possible. Simply making the decision to be positive can make a large impact towards reliving job stress.
- Address physical issues that are adding to stress
All of the things you hear about staying healthy, help reduce your stress. The key thing is to address the physical issues you see and that may be the trick you were looking for. Some tips are getting enough sleep, stretch, move around and many more!
- Take the breaks you are given
Any time you are given to take a break, take your break. If there is a space outside to go to, go there. If your work environment is becoming stressful, try to change your environment. You need a break, but you particularly need one if you are stressed.
- Find a way to help others
When you help other people, you begin to feel better. It may seem crazy, while you are stressed to help someone else, but turning your attention elsewhere can relieve the negativity you are experiencing. If you are feeling stressed, help someone else.
- Stay off social media as much as possible when working
The constant interruption of technology can increase the stress levels you are feeling. Social media connects you to multiple people at a time, which is great, but you also see stressful events that are occurring to them. All of the technology also just distracts you and slows you down and you end up feeling more stressed out. It is best to stay off of unnecessary devices when working.
- Learn to accept what is in your control, and what isn’t
Simply, some things are out of your control. Find ways to make the things that are out of your control a bit more tolerable. Make changes to what you are able to control and try your best to not get upset about everything else.
- Prepare ahead of time as much as possible
Commonly, the most stressful time for workers is in the morning or whenever their shift begins. While it is not possible to prepare for everything ahead of time, wherever it is possible prepare ahead. However, you start your workday is how the rest of the day will most likely go, you don’t want to be running behind all shift.
- Remember to breathe
When we get stressed, we can forget to breathe. It may sound silly, but next time you see yourself in a stressful situation, take some deep breaths. This can help control your physical reactions to stress. This is not a long-term fix, but it can help in the moment.
If your job is causing you stress and you are looking for a career change, we have the tools for you. Check out our services and site to start your job search. Follow our social media pages to stay up to date on new job postings and connect with those in your field.
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